Past exhibitions

leila shelia

keti matabeli white square

Lado Gudiashvili 1+70 unknown

Lado Gudiashvili 120. Third Anniversary Exhibition

Lado Gudiashvili 120. Second Anniversary Exhibition

Lado Gudiashvili 120. First Anniversary Exhibition

Island in the Exhibition Space
Author - Lali Kutateladze

Zurab Nijharadze's 85 Anniversary Exhibition

Contemporary Jewellery Exhibition

The exhibition performed paintings and graphic works of the 1960th.

An exhibition of work by young graphical artists
An exhibition of Easel Graphic Studio students, Faculty of Fine Arts, Graphic deparment, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.

Otar Vepkhvadze - Way

An exhibition of works by students of the Advertising Graphics Studio at the Tbilisi State Academy of Arts, Faculty of Fine Art.

Out the Left Window
Charity exhibition of photographs by Holly Holzer Bass. All proceeds from the exhibition supported breast cancer awareness and treatment.

An Exhibition of Young Georgian Artists
An exhibition of Painting Studio students, Faculty of Fine Arts, Painting deparment, Tbilisi State Academy of Arts.