Basic Dates of Life and Creative Activity of LADO (VLADIMIR) GUDIASHVILI


On March 18, Lado Gudiashvili was born into the family of a railwayman (Tbilisi, Georgia).
Father – David Gudiashvili, mother – Elizabeth Itonishvili.

Lado Gudiashvili (from left to right) with his brother Vakhtang Gudiashvili Lado Gudiashvili's parents, Elizabeth Itonishvili and David Gudiashvili




He passed competitive examinations successfully and was enrolled together at Tiflis School of Painting and Sculpture of the “Caucasian Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts”. His teachers were painters – O. Schmerling (instructor), H. Hryniewski and others.




He graduated from the school of painting and was awarded the first-class diploma with the title of a painter-teacher. He taught painting at the 2nd Tiflis Gymnasium for boys and executed his first graphic illustration for a story by L. Kiacheli that was published in the magazine Teatri da Tskhovreba of the theatre figure and publisher I. Imedashvili, after which, he became a permanent staff member of the magazine. He also worked as a painter-illustrator for other magazines published in Tbilisi (Arsi, Phoenix).




He participated in the exhibitions of Georgian painters organized by the “Caucasian Society for the Promotion of Fine Arts” in Tiflis. His personal exhibition of L. Gudiashvili’s works in Tiflis.


He was engaged actively in the establishment and the work of the “Association of Georgian Artists” for the purpose of protection and study of historical monuments and development of national culture. Together with other painters (D. Shevardnadze, G. Eristavi, M. and I. Toidzes, M. Chiaureli, Al. Tsimakuridze, H. Beg Mussayassul) copied frescoes in Nabakhtevi and David Gareji (Eastern Georgia) during two expeditions organized by the “Association of Georgian Artists”.




Participated in the scholarly expedition to the historical province Tao-Klarjeti (Southern Georgia) organized by the “Association of Georgian Artists” and the “Historical-Ethnographic Society” for the study of the monuments and copying damaged frescoes (head – great Georgian scholar, historian Ekvtime Taqaishvili; members – painters: ­­L. Gudiashvili, M. Chiaureli, I. Zdanevich, D. Shevardnadze, architect – A. Kalgin and abbot of the Vardzia monastery Ipolite). Sketches of Georgian churches and copies of frescoes by L. Gudiashvili and other painters were exhibited in the “Temple of Glory” of Tiflis (the present-day The Georgian National Museum D. Shevardnadze National Gallery) Painted murals in Café Fantastical Tavern, same as Poets’ Guild on Rustaveli Avenue in Tiflis (former Golovinsky Avenue) together with painters K. Zdanevich and S. Valishevski. The painting is regarded to be lost.




Frequent participation in various exhibitions of painters in Tiflis.




Painted murals (together with D. Ka­ka­badze and S. Sudeikin) in Café-club of Georgian writers Kimerioni, established on the initiative of Tsisperqantselebi (“Blue Horns”), situated in the present-day lower lobby of the Shota Rustaveli Drama Theatre. L. Gudiashvili painted Stepko’s Tavern and Guard Fox. He made the illustrations for Tbilisi Fashion Magazine.  Lado Gudiashvili participated in the organization of summer and winter exhibitions of Georgian painters, which was organized in the “Temple of Glory” (The Georgian National Museum D. Shevardnadze National Gallery) on the initiative of Georgian painters where many of his paintings were shown. Among these were: Founding of Tbilisi, Woman Mzetamze, Tsotskhali, Khashi, Reveling of Friends, Kristine, and many others. He was sent to Paris to continue his education by the state financing on the initiative and mediation of the “Association of Georgian Artists” (in particular, D. Shevardnadze). Later on, painters D. Kakabadze, Sh. Kikodze, K. Maghalashvili, E. Akhvlediani were sent for the same purpose. L. Gudiashvili left for France via Italy. On the way to Paris he stopped in Italy in order to visit museums and architectural sites. L. Gudiashvili Lived in Paris, in a small studio in Jugens street, on Montparnasse. He often visited a well-known Cafe La Rotonde of painters and artists. During his stay in France, he became acquainted and got close to many writers, artists and art critics: I. Foujita, A. Modigliani, F. Masereel, P. Picasso, I. Zuloaga, I. Zdanevich, I. Ehre­nburg, M. Reynal, A. Breton, A. Salmon, L. Aragon and many others. In Salon d’Autumne Salon in Paris paintings of L. Gudiashvili, a young painter, unknown to artists’ circles, were exhibited for the first time. L. Gudiashvili showed his paintings at the group exhibition of painters organized in Paris (Galerie de la Licorne).

Lado Gudiashvili. Khashi. 1919. Oilcloth, Oil.  © Ch. Gudiashvili Lado Gudiashvili. Fish Tsotskhali. 1920. Canvas, Oil.© Ch. Gudiashvili Lado Gudiashvili. With Blue Horse. 1920. Canvas, Oil. © Ch. Gudiashvili



Participated in the exhibition of the “Association of Independent Painters” in Paris, in a Grand Palais on Champs-Élysées. He was invited to participate in an exhibition of Russian painters (L. Bakst, ­N. Goncharova, M. Larionov, S. Sorin, S. Sudeykin, and others) in Paris (Gallery Densi). Exhibition of paintings of Georgian painters L. Gudiashvili, Sh. Kikodze and D. Kakabadze at Galerie de la Licorne in Paris. Participated in painters’ exhibition (Cafe Montmartre) organized in Paris by the “Association of the New Salon”.

L. Gudiashvili (The Bottom of the Left Corner), A. Breton, Ph. Soupault, L. Aragon. Gudiashvili's Studio. Paris From Left to Right L. Gudiashvili, D. Kakabadze, E. Akhvlediani. Paris




Personal exhibition of L. Gudiashvili at Galerie de la Licorne in Paris. Preface to the catalogue by: art critic M. Reynal. He painted murals on Old Tiflis motifs in Restaurant Kavkazski in Paris.




J. Rosenberg, well-known American gallery owner and collector, along with works of other painters (A. Matisse, A. Modigliani, P. Signac, and others), selected and exhibited paintings and graphic works by L. Gudiashvili at the New Gallery in New York. Participated in the exhibition of Russian painters (L. Bakst, V. Kandinsky, S. Sorin, V. Shukhaev) at the New Gallery in New York. Preface to the exhibition catalogue by: Kr. Brinton.

L. Gudiashvili (In the First Row from the Right the Second) and F. Léger (Is the First from the Left). The Ball in the Monparnas. Paris. 1923




Together with A. Benoit, N. Benoit, S. Sudeikin, and V. Shukhaev, made the scenery for Italian opera performances in Paris.

L. Gudiashvili L. Gudiashvili




Personal exhibition of L. Gudiashvili at Galerie Joseph Billiet in Paris. Preface to the catalogue by: A. Salmon. Monograph by M. Reynal on L. Gudiashvili’s work was published in Paris. L. Gudiashvili made the scenery and costumes sketches for Nikita Baliev’s play Kavkazskiye napevi. At the end of the year returned to Georgia.




Personal exhibition at the drama studio of the Tiflis Shota Rustaveli Theatre. The exhibition catalogue was accompanied by T. Tabidze’s article. By the invitation of K. Marjanishvili, made the scenery for performances at the Rustaveli Theatre: ballet-pantomime Mzeta-Mze (staged by K. Marjanishvili), G. Robakidze’s play Lamara (staged by K. Marjanishvili and S. Akhmeteli).




Participation in Moscow and Tiflis exhibitions. He was invited to the Tiflis Academy of Arts and headed the composition class, taught the ceramics department of the Faculty of Sculpture.




Created the emblem of the Tiflis Academy of Arts and decorated its club. Gudiashvili’s works were exhibited in the 16th International Biennale in Venice. 

Catalogue of Venice Biennale




Participation in exhibitions of painting and modern graphic art in Tbilisi and Yerevan. By the invitation of M. Chiaureli made the scenery for the film Saba together with D. Kakabadze.

Lado Gudiashvili. Evil Family. 1929. Canvas, Oil. © Ch. Gudiashvili



Art direction of M. Chiaureli’s film Khabarda. Made the scenery and costumes for the play Arsenas Leksi of the Second State Drama Theatre founded in Kutaisi by K. Marjanishvili (staged by K. Marjanishvili). Participation in painters’ exhibitions in Tbilisi, Moscow and Paris.




Participation in exhibitions of modern painting in New York (Custom House), Chicago, Philadelphia. Married Nina (Mgeladze) Gudiashvili and settled with his family in Tbilisi, in former Loris-Melikov, later on Ketskhoveli, the present-day Gudiashvili Street.

 Lado Gudiashvili's spouse Nina Gudiashvili (1906-1995)




L. Gudiashvili’s daughter Chukurtma was born. L. Gudiashvili’s graphic works were shown at the exhibitions of Soviet graphic art in Glasgow and London.




Exhibition at Galerie Billiet, Paris, on the initiative of L. Gudiashvili’s Parisian friend P. Worms. ­M. Reynal and A. Salmon were specially invited to the exhibition. The exhibition received favourable reviews in local newspapers. Article by P. Worms on L. Gudiashvili’s work was published. Participation in painters’ exhibitions of painting and graphic art in Tbilisi, Batumi, Moscow, Marseilles and cities of England.




Designed sets for V. Dolidze’s opera Keto da Kote in the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theatre (staged by A. Tsutsunava).




Participation in exhibitions of painting and graphic art organized in Tbilisi, Sukhumi, Batumi, Kutaisi, Moscow, Kharkov, Kiev and other cities of the former Soviet Union.



He was elected head of the section of defence set up by the Tbilisi branch of the Artists’ Union of Georgia. Artists united in this section to go to the front of the Great Patriotic War in order to create works on the theme of war. Participation in exhibitions of painters organized in Tbilisi.

Lado Gudiashvili. The draft of a monument for census in the country. 1942. Tainted paper, Indian ink. © Ch. Gudiashvili




L. Gudiashvili’s paintings were shown at the exhibition of Russian painting organized in USA (Florida).

Lado Gudiashvili. Woman with Green Headdress (Nina Gudiashvili). 1940. Canvas, Oil. © Ch. Gudiashvili Lado Gudiashvili. A Worthy Reply. 1945. Canvas, Oil. © Ch. Gudiashvili




By the offer of Catholicos-Patriarch of Georgia Kalistrate Tsintsadze painted the altar murals of the Kashveti Church in Tbilisi. After the Sovietization of Georgia, L. Gudiashvili was the first artist who executed church painting. Participation in painters’ exhibitions in Moscow and Tbilisi (painting, graphic art, theatre-decoration art).  

Kashveti Church (1904-1910), Tbilisi Kashveti Church (1904-1910), Tbilisi. Painting of Kashveti Church.


Interior decoration of the Variety Theatre in Tbilisi functioning at the State Philharmonic Society of Georgia.




Participation in exhibitions of Soviet painting held in Tbilisi, Borjomi, Orjonikidze (present-day Vladikavkaz) and Kharkov. Made the scenery and costumes for V. Kandelaki’s play Maia Tsqneteli (staged by V. Tabliashvili) in the K. Marjanishvili Georgian Drama Theatre.

Lado Gudiashvili. Smile of Fresco. 1955. Paper, Gouache. © Ch. Gudiashvili




Personal exhibition at Tbilisi State Picture Gallery. Participation in exhibitions held in Tbilisi and Moscow.

L. Gudiashvili




Personal exhibition at the exhibition hall of the Soviet Artists’ Union, Moscow.




Participation in exhibitions of painting held in Tbilisi, Warsaw and Kiev.

Lado Gudiashvili. A Black Glove (Nina and Chukurtma). 1967. Paper, Gouache. © Ch. Gudiashvili Lado Gudiashvili. Portrait of Pasternak. 1966. Paper, Indian Ink. © Ch. Gudiashvili




Exhibition of L. Gudiashvili’s paintings at the Georgian State Museum of Art, Tbilisi, submitted for the Shota Rustaveli Prize. He was awarded the Shota Rustaveli State Prize.

The First Laureate of Shota Rustaveli State Prize L. Gudiashvili, E. Amashukeli, K. Gamsakhurdia, I. Abashidze. Lado Gudiashvili's House, Tbilisi, 1965




Participation in exhibitions – Tbilisi, Moscow, Paris and Dresden. Personal exhibition in Tbilisi Publishing House Merani.



Participated in exhibitions in Moscow, Tbilisi and Yerevan. He was awarded the title of People’s Artist of the USSR.

M. Rostropovich's concert in L. Gudiashvili's house. Tbilisi. 1972




One-man show at the exhibition hall of the Union of Painters of Georgia in Batumi. Participation in exhibitions in Moscow, Tbilisi, Batumi and Stockholm. Was awarded the title of a Hero of Labour of the Soviet Union.

Lado Gudiashvili and his spouse Nina Gudiashvili




Participation in exhibitions in held in Tbilisi, Moscow, Paris and cities of Belgium. One-man show in Tbilisi at the exhibition hall of the Georgian SSR Ministry of Finance. Personal exhibition at Budapest National Museum.

L. Gudiashvili, Tsckneti, Georgia




L. Gudiashvili died on July 19. He was buried in Tbilisi in the Mtatsminda Pantheon of Writers and Public Figures.

Mtatsminda Pantheon of Writers and Public Figures, Tbilisi The Grave of L. Gudiashvili in Mtatsminda Pantheon of Writers and Public Figures, Tbilisi. By the sculptor E. Amashukeli




The Artist’s House in Batumi was named in honour of Lado Gudiashvili.




On April 8, the International Organization of Astrono­mers named after Gudiashvili an asteroid ­­(№ 2595) discovered by R. West.

Planet - Gudiashvili






A street in the centre of Tbilisi was named after Lado Gudiashvili who had lived there together with his family. Lado Gudiashvili Street is part of the ‘Museum Quarter’, where The Georgian National Museum: S. Janashia Museum of Georgia, the Sh. Amiranashvili Museum of Arts, and the D. Shevardnadze National Gallery are also located, as well as the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia.




 Nina Gudiashvili, Lado Gudiashvili's wife died. 




A square in Tbilisi’s historic part was named after Lado Gudiashvili.  

A Square of L. Gudiashvili, Tbilisi


A monument to Lado Gudiashvili by the sculptor Dimitri (Juna)  Mikatadze was erected in the Ninth of April Garden in the centre of Tbilisi.

A monument of L. Gudiashvili, Tbilisi A monument of L. Gudiashvili, Tbilisi




The Lado Gudiashvili Exhibition Hall was opened on the L. Gudiashvili #11, Tbilisi.


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Date of last update to site content: June 2024.